I am delighted to be presenting a new philosophical series for Centre for Existential Practice later this year. This new evening series will encompass 6 generous 2-hour “bites” of discourse and dialogue using a framework that I call CDE (Convention-Disruption-Enlightenment). I will be using the CDE framework to demonstrate how 6 key philosophers’ views emerged through the societal conventions of the time to facilitate a new way of seeing and being in the world.
Working through disruptions requires a therapeutic attunement and mindset and my CDE model allows us to bring a range of psychotherapeutic and philosophical frameworks into relationship with each other. I believe that philosophies provide a framework for normalising therapeutic processes; that they are key components of everyday wellbeing; that we need them today, not just to thrive, but to survive.
The six 2-hour sessions can be booked individually or as a package of 6.
Individual sessions: $150 Package of 6: $550
SOCRATES and PLATO - Thursday 30 June 6.30-8.30pm DESCARTES - Thursday 4 August 6.30-8.30pm MARX - Thursday 1 September 6.30-8.30pm ROMANTICISM - Thursday 6 October 6.30-8.30pm NIETZSCHE - Thursday 3 November 6.30-8.30pm HEIDEGGER- Thursday 17 November 6.30-8.30pm
For full details on each session and registration visit The Philosophy Zone page on the Centre for Existential Practice website here